What Are the Rules in a Pyramid Competition?

What Are the Rules in a Pyramid Competition?

What Are the Rules in a Pyramid Competition?

Social tennis, or tennis pyramid competitions, are an exciting new game that began in 2019. The ladder league is played in a pyramid system of graduated steps.
The game ensures that folks from all walks of life can easily play a tennis match against others of the same measure. The objective of this game is to have fun! You have the opportunity to join with players in a pastime of friendly and enjoyable contests.

These fun competitions are quite like the game of ladders. Contestants are allowed to challenge one another to a game, and the winners advance and the losers are dropped down the ladder. The object of the game is to rise to the top of the pyramid while enjoying yourself. These can be great fun and wonderful social events. Pyramid competitions can be an activity done after work, on the weekends, or any planned time with friends.

ladder tournament

The Rules of a Pyramid Competition

So, what are the rules in a Pyramid Competition? They are actually quite simple and can also be adapted for different players.
The following information should help ensure that you have a fun time while making friends. 

Players and Court

There is a lot of wiggle room here as you are free to however many people and rows as you want. However, you can have many people to make division one and division two pyramids that are formed on your players’ abilities. Doing so is part of what makes the game so inclusive.


Scoring is another way to have fun with pyramid competitions. You will need to select a format for scoring for your game. A best of three tiebreak works great; however, shorter matches may be easier if you have younger players. Playing with little ones can be a little more challenging, but thankfully, by having different scoring formats to choose from, it can work for everyone involved. Your players can mark their own scores. It’s a good idea to think about using a format for scoring and completing the pyramid one day.


For your scoresheet, you will want to have a notice board to display the pyramid one. Use name cards to move, or perhaps, a plastic or wooden pyramid for names.
ladder tournament

Order of play

The person organizing the game will want to set a start date and a finish date for the event. Be sure to give at least three to four months. For example, if you were to start on August 1rst, you would strive to finish on November 1rst or December 1rst. Be sure to have players organize with the group so players can play on their own time. Players can then challenge one another in the correct order. To advance up the pyramid, the players should only challenge one up above their position. Players should never refuse a friendly challenge from someone below them. If any players still decline to challenges or cannot play the matches, they need to be removed from the game.

The End Result

The end result being, the player who is making it to the top, is the winner! It’s really quite simple when you think of it. Be sure to celebrate the winner and to be a good sport yourself.

The Advantages of a Pyramid Competition

Though the game’s objective is very similar to the ladder system game, it is easy to place more contestants clearly. This offers more changes to challenge other players, making it less likely the game will idle.

The Disadvantage of a Pyramid Competition

Be mindful that a not-so-talented player frequently challenges a decent player. This can be challenging but also a lot of fun! The timescale is anywhere from two hours to an entire season. However, a longer set period is best. There is a top tier of sixty players in the game. This allows for large groups of players to enjoy one another and have a great time. When using a pyramid, all players are put into a pyramid shape. On every lower line, participants are set to the above line.


Three ways to challenge: • You may challenge an opponent from an above line • Before attempting to challenge an opponent from an above line, you must overcome a player in the same line you are in • You may challenge every opponent onto the left of you and players on the above rung. If the challenger is the victor, he or she may take the place of the other patron. When on the left, only the people above can accept the challenge. This will reveal a horizontal as well as a perpendicular.

Changing the Format and the Rules of a Pyramid Competition

The good thing about the rules of a pyramid competition is that they are easily changed to conform to different kinds of players. If you are playing with children under the age of ten, or people of different ages, teams should be more or less a spirited event. If you are playing with people of an older crowd, the format can be altered to their speed as well. .

Using Fun Themes

Pyramid competitions can be a lot more exciting and much easier to encourage others if you give them a theme. Olympics, Davis Cup, or Family Day can give the game a more exciting appeal.
Remember, these pyramid competitions are a way to have fun. Try not to be too competitive, and you can have a great time with this game.

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7 Tips for Organizing a Ladder Tournament

7 Tips for Organizing a Ladder Tournament

7 Tips for Organizing a Ladder Tournament

In the world of sports, a ladder tournament, also known as a pyramid tournament, is an exciting game of fun for all involved. Ladder competitions do not go by the element of displacement but instead can go on endlessly. There are several tips for organizing a ladder tournament that will be beneficial. 

ladder tournament

The game goes by a series of challenges. Any contestant can challenge another player that is above them on the ladder. These challenges should always be accepted!

If the person in the lower place wins the match, then the object is for the two players to switch places. However, if the person in the lower place loses, they need to challenge another player before challenging that same person.

The general idea is to place players who are advanced in skills at the bottom, giving them the incentive to work their way up.

These competitions are not perfect and have two disadvantages. The first is that at the end of the game, or a lengthy amount of play, the ranking may not always reflect the patrons’ actual spot. 

It is not guaranteed that there will be enough matches to sort the ladder properly.  But if the players’ evenness is laid out properly, the result is usually a representative ranking.

The second flaw is that sometimes patrons will make challenges more often than their counterparts. This results in not all players rising to a challenge.

After putting together 7 tips for organizing a ladder tournament, we are hopeful that you will succeed and have fun at the same time. 

1. Don’t be overly competitive

A little friendly competition ultimately makes this game a success and a fun time on top of that. But if your players begin to let the competitiveness go to their heads, others will soon lose interest.

This is not a football game. The people are there to exercise and socialize. If you have enough players, it’s a good idea to break the ladders up into two categories: one being social and the other competitors.

Social ladders will be a great way to bring in new players to your club without them feeling intimidated. 

ladder tournament

2. Don’t be a Control Freak

This falls in line with number one. If you are the team admin, take the control factor out of it. You don’t want to be hesitant about handing control over to other players that are entering match results.

You will get burnt out, and your teammates may get irritated with you. There is plenty of ladder software that you can use to set up your ladders.

Other people will enjoy the challenge and embrace it. No one wants to be waiting on you to get in the results in order for them to move forward with another challenge. 

3. Don’t Assume Everyone Has the Same Skills

If you lump everyone together when it comes to skillset, you will probably end up crushing your participation rate. If your competitors feel there is no way to advance, they can lose interest quickly.

Don’t place a person who just started playing with those that have been playing for years. People want to fit in naturally and have fun, not be embarrassed or made to feel awkward.

4. Remember to Remove Your Stale Players

For any coach or someone running a game, you sometimes have to be the bad guy. A majority of the reason that ladder tournaments don’t work out is that stale players are allowed to hang around and take up the spots that others want.

A stale player could be someone who doesn’t respond to challenges or doesn’t issue them either. As much as it may stink, you do need to have strict rules regarding this.

Ensure all your patrons know that after a certain amount of time with idle activity, they will be removed.

ladder tournament

5. Be Sure You Have Enough Rules

As a player in a ladder tournament, it can be very frustrating if there aren’t enough rules set in stone. While you want the game to be fun, it’s not fun to win a match, but before you can issue a challenge, other players are challenging you again!

Your patrons will be much happier if you are upfront with your rules right away.

6. Don’t Over Complicate Things

You want to have enough rules, but you also don’t want to be too fanatical either. This will only create confusion and frustration among your group. If people feel they can’t keep up with your rules, they will leave the game.

Just keep it simple yet fun. 

7. Stay Away From Neverending Ladders

The good thing about a professional sporting event is that we know there is an end in sight. Even baseball games can seem to go on forever if they go into extra innings! The fun can dwindle fast.

An ongoing ladder may look easier to the admin or captain since there are no end-of-season playoff games or a big tournament to worry about. However, this can be complete boredom for your players.

The game needs to end at some point. Even if you have a playoff with the top three or four players at the end of the season, it still gives players something to strive for. It also gives players who may have had a rough start a chance to almost reset with the guarantee of a new season.


These 7 tips for organizing a ladder tournament are to help you have a successful team and be sure to add fun to your event. 

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Is It Safe to Play Tennis During Corona Pandemic?

Is It Safe to Play Tennis During Corona Pandemic?

Is It Safe to Play Tennis During Corona Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a sudden halt to nearly all of our social and recreational activities which include most outdoor sports. SOPs and social distancing rules discourage gatherings and limit social interaction; as a result there are only a handful of sports and other physical activities left for the general population to turn to.

It is hard to come up with a sport that hasn’t been affected by the pandemic and people are uncertain about which sports can be played safely and how. Tennis has long been a very popular and much-loved sport, but how safe is it in the current situation?

tennis corona safety

Tennis Corona Safety: Is it safe to play tennis during the corona pandemic?

The short answer is that yes, it’s safe to play tennis during COVID-19 as long as proper precautions are taken. These guidelines could vary from area to area so it is necessary to check local information sources and keep yourself updated. Club authorities should ensure that all the people on the premises are following the safety guidelines mandated by the government.

The primary reason that tennis is considered to be safe is that it is a non-contact sport and doesn’t require that the players be in proximity unlike other sports such as rugby or soccer. There is a low risk of transmission as long as proper distance (6 feet) is maintained on the court and other SOPs are carefully followed.

General Covid-19 safety guidelines to follow

The USTA (United States Tennis Association) formed an advisory medical committee that provided a list of precautions that should be taken into consideration while playing tennis. These include:

For Tennis Players:

  • Do not play if you came into contact with an infected person within the last 14 days or are exhibiting symptoms commonly associated with coronavirus
  • Arrive as close to the time you have to be there as possible and do not engage in unnecessary social interaction before and after the game
  • Wear a mask when not playing and avoid touching gates, benches and fences
  • Keep a distance of 6 feet between yourself and other players and do not shake hands or high-five each other
  • Partners should coordinate to ensure that they maintain physical separation while playing doubles
  • Avoid touching the tennis balls directly and do not share playing equipment
  • Bring your own towels, water bottles and food items
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue paper or cover your nose and mouth with your sleeve
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer before and after playing
  • Avoid using the locker room and changing area. Instead, leave directly after playing and shower and change at home.
tennis corona safety

For Tennis Clubs:

  • Encourage staff, coaches, players, visitors and spectators to follow general COVID SOPs
  • Limit the number of people allowed indoors
  • Keep disposable face masks, hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes at hand
  • Rearrange the furniture so that visitors aren’t in close proximity to each other and distance is maintained
  • Assign specific time slots to players that do not overlap so that the facility doesn’t get overcrowded at any time
  • Make sure that safety protocols are being followed as per the local government’s instructions
  • Prop open doors so that people can pass through without touching the doorknob or handle
  • Ensure that the premises is well-ventilated
  • Install signs regarding safety guidelines as well as hand sanitizer stations at frequently visited spots inside the facility
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces, equipment and personal gear according to CDC guidelines
tennis corona safety

Indoors vs Outdoors Tennis

Tennis is regarded as a safe sport to play during this pandemic because it is usually played in the open air and does not require that the players come into close contact. This is particularly beneficial because Corona virus spreads through respiratory droplets and can be transmitted from an infected person to those who are standing close by.

With regards to indoor tennis, some might speculate that the risk of transmission increases due to the closed space. However, the general consensus right now is that indoor tennis is safe as long as proper safety measures are taken. These might be stricter than the rules outlined by the club or local authorities for outdoor tennis.


create tennis club website

Tennis during Covid

To reduce the risk of transmission of Corona virus, it is essential to avoid social gatherings and follow physical distancing rules which means that it is difficult to play most sports safely. Consequently, this has affected the sales and revenue of companies associated with the production and distribution of sports equipment, with one exception— tennis.

It may be surprising for many that according to statistics, sales of tennis rackets have gone up considerably and the number of tennis players (compared to previous years) has increased as well. This could be due to the fact that tennis is a relatively safe sport to play with a low risk of transmission, in fact, the New York Post has ranked it as one of the top activities that are safe to do. So the outlook on tennis corona safety is quite positive.

Tennis also mobilizes many different parts of the body and provides a good workout especially when other options for exercise are limited during the pandemic. And being a highly popular sport, tennis courts and equipment are readily available everywhere. All these factors combined make tennis an ideal choice for those who are fed up with staying at home and want some fresh air and vigorous physical activity.

So, is it safe to play tennis during the corona pandemic? Pretty much, as long as proper safety precautions are taken and the guidelines provided by local or state authorities are kept in mind.

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Tips & Tools For Scheduling Your Tennis Trainer Courses

Tips & Tools For Scheduling Your Tennis Trainer Courses

Tips & Tools For Scheduling Your Tennis Trainer Courses

If you’re a tennis enthusiast and have your own tennis club to manage, then finding the right tools for scheduling your tennis trainer courses is imperative to your business. There is nothing worse than overbooking timeslots unless you’ve managed to double book your court! This can all be avoided when using a court reservation system. But it isn’t just about going virtual; it’s also about managing your club in a smart and productive way. It’s like having everything you need in one place and easily accessible for all your members or clients.

Pyramide Tournament - Example 2

Best Tips for Managing Your Tennis Club

You finally did it; you were able to put your passion for tennis into action by creating a tennis club that allows other people to enjoy the sport as much as you do.  

However, you may have underestimated the amount of time it takes to keep things organized and make sure that all your reservations are recorded accordingly. 

You may have started with just pen and paper, but if your business is growing leaps and bounds, it might be time to get tech-savvy!  

Here are our top tips for managing your club:

  • If you don’t already have a website, now is the time to get one! Having a website allows your clients or members to access all the pertinent information about your club. It can list your hours of operation, contact details, and even the option to schedule tennis lessons. 
  • Once you have a website, you’ll want to add a plugin like Court Reservation. This will allow all your members access to your schedule and gives them the ability to pick and choose a time that works best for them.    
  • Don’t underestimate the power of social media! If you aren’t actively on a few different platforms, then now is the time to do so. This can help build engagement and bring awareness to your club. We’re sure having more clients is at the top of your list. 
  • You also need to consider a weekly or monthly newsletter. Sending out an email campaign is a useful tool for managing your tennis club. It informs your members or clients of any upcoming events or newsworthy announcements.
  • Try to incorporate some member quality information that highlights some of your guests. Announcing winners from a tournament is a sure-fire way of building excitement around your club. 
  • Consider putting a suggestion box in your club; include a link for it in all your emails that goes to your website. Allowing people to voice their opinions about your club enables you to see where people are both happy or disappointed. It’s the easiest way to put out a fire before it spreads any further. 

With all the tips listed above, you should be able to get your tennis club on the right track – or court in this case! However, we want to stress how vital your tennis training sessions’ reservations are to your business. 

We suggest checking out the plugin designed to make your scheduling simple and professional looking. It has all the benefits needed to bring your club to the next level.    

What is Court Reservation?

Court Reservation is effective software that allows you to manage your tennis court bookings online. It was created to bring simplicity to tennis club owners or small sports field operators. 

You can easily set up a productive online court reservation system within minutes when you use Court Reservation, even if you were using an old school calendar method previously. 

The integration is smooth and painless, and you’ll be up and running in no time!

Here are some examples of all the tools you’ll have access to: 

– Managing Events 

Scheduling or blocking times for an upcoming event is super easy with this software. You’ll be able to schedule tournaments, training sessions, and any other events with the click of a few buttons. 

– Reservation Management 

Any member can create or modify their reservations with the reservation table tool. Whatever available timeslots are incorporated is exactly what the user will be able to choose from. No more double-booking reservation timeslots!  

– Customization 

Customizing your reservation table has never been easier (see figure 2)! Just choose what you want your calendar to look like on your existing website and choose your custom reservation types. It’s that simple. 

tools scheduling tennis courses

Figure 1: General Settings

tools scheduling tennis courses

Figure 2: User Interface Settings

How Do These Tools Work?

The Tool for scheduling your tennis trainer courses were designed with simplicity in mind. You’ll be impressed with its mobile-friendly interface and the option to choose the colors and sizing of your court reservation table.  

Once you have installed the court reservation plugin, the system will automatically send passwords to all your members that you provided a name and email address for in the initial setup.

Depending on what type of court reservation is needed, you’ll be able to create whatever fits your needs for any upcoming events, such as tournaments or private lessons. 

You can have an email notification (see figure 1) sent automatically to your members when they make a reservation. It’s one of the easiest things to set up and probably one of the most effective ways to remind people of any upcoming reservations they made. 

Reservations can be set up in one of the following ways:

  • You can choose the slot format that works best for your club, whether it is a full-hour slot or if you prefer to book every thirty minutes. The choice is yours! 
  • You can choose to set the times that each of your members is allowed to book per reservation. This helps prevent people from booking multiple sessions in one day and then canceling or not showing up.  
  • Your reservation table will be set up to show the upcoming nine days, but you can access more days by simply using the ‘Calendar View’ tool. 
create tennis club website


When choosing to use a tools for scheduling your tennis trainer courses, you are essentially creating a smarter work environment for scheduling all your reservations.

It’s simple and easy to use, every tennis club owner can benefit from the court reservation system. Its innovative design can be customized to mesh with your existing website easily.    

If you want to give all your club members a seamlessly comfortable experience when booking reservations with you, adding this plugin to your website is the best thing to do. 

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5 Competition Modes For Your Next Tennis Club Tournament

5 Competition Modes For Your Next Tennis Club Tournament

5 Competition Modes For Your Next Tennis Club Tournament

Organizing a tournament for your tennis club is one of the most exciting things to do (we’re certain we don’t need to tell you that!). But it’s far too easy to get stuck doing the same system of play all the timeTry one of these competition modes in your tennis club!

tennis club competitions modes

Know Your Competition Modes

Before we jump right into our top 5 competition modes for your next tennis club tournament, it’s important to understand the sheer format variety. 

Regardless of the type of game you want to play, it will fall into one of these categories:

  • Challenge — This form tends to run for a long time (generally over a year or a season). Here, club members will challenge each other to matches during the period. A pyramid/league table is used for scoring (i.e. losers move down, winners move up).
  • Elimination — Traditional knock-out games! The Women’s Tennis Association and ATP use this elimination style. They’re great for prize-money games, but if you have a lot of beginners in your club, they’ll quickly be left out.
  • Group — For the social element, group formats are the best. They tend to be popular among club owners who want everyone to have a fair shot.
  • Rotation — If you want all your members to play each other, the rotation style is best. It can be a type of group tournament too, depending on how you choose to structure it.
  • Team — Whether each team is small or rather large, you can mix it up. If your club has a lot of novices, opting for smaller teams is best. 

Okay, now is a great time to move onto the best part — the top 5 competition modes for your next tennis club tournament! Hopefully, you’ll find a couple of ideas you are yet to try.

Top 5 Competition Modes For Your Next Tennis Club Tournament

#1 The Progressive Knock-Out

While the traditional knock-out is effective (it’s used in the Olympic Games and World Championships after all), it doesn’t give weaker players a chance to play lots of matches.

The progressive knock-out, however, does just that.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Allocate players however you wish.
  2. Winners play winners in various rounds until one player stands unbeaten.
  3. Losers play other losers.
  4. If a player loses in the first round, they won’t be able to finish in the top half.
  5. Players that find themselves losing on the second round will only be able to get to the lowest quarter in the final.

The main advantage here is that you get a full ranking order with a penultimate match while including weaker players. However, it will take more time than a traditional knock-out.

#2 The Compass Draw

A compass draw tennis tournament is divided into 8 sections. Each of them depicts the point of a compass (hence the name). As soon as a player loses a match, they move into a different bracket. 

It’s a fantastic way for junior players to have a taste of what professional competitions are like without having to spend a lot of money.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Use a reservation suite like Court Reservation to set up the matches.
  2. Players talk to each other to set up their match.
  3. Each player brings a can of balls to the match. One is used in the match, the unopened one is given to the match-winner in the seeding rounds and the loser in the final draw rounds.
  4. Matches are best in 2 out of 3 sets.
  5. Once the match is finished, players will enter the scores on the site.
  6. The first 4 rounds are “seeding”. Once they’re finished, the final draw is posted.
  7. Prizes are given to the winner and runner-up of the main bracket and the consolation bracket.

The main advantage here is that you get a full ranking order with a penultimate match while including weaker players. However, it will take more time than a traditional knock-out.

tennis club competitions modes

#3 4 Singles and 1 Double

This is a team tournament type, so you’ll need to set these up beforehand. On the day, you should toss a coin to see which team will be “ABC” or “XYZ”. Then, the captains can give each player in their team a letter.

This competition mode is fantastic for socializing and maintaining morale (especially essential during these still unprecedented times!).

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Set up teams of 2 to 4 players.
  2. Do best of 5 matches (i.e. 4 singles and 1 double).
  3. The order of play should be: single, single, double, single, single.

#4 The Stop Rotation

This competition mode is fantastic for players of all ages and abilities. It’s another team tournament where players win points for their group as play continues.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Set up two teams — A and B. Of course, you can give them fun names if you prefer.
  2. Place each member of team A across the net from team B.
  3. Set a “stop” target (first to 5 points, for example).
  4. Shout “go” to start all the matches.
  5. First one to reach 5 points (in this case) shouts “stop”.
  6. Players move to the court on their left.
  7. And it continues until you run out of time!
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5 The Leveler

Finally, we have the leveler which can be completed in one day. It helps make everyone equal because stronger players have to win points to beat their opponent.

Here’s How to Do It:

  1. Decide on events (i.e. singles or doubles).
  2. Ensure all players know you’re running a leveler score system.
  3. Decide the leveler score for everyone (best on 0, weakest on 10).
  4. Matches are first to 21 points. Play the best of 3 sets.

We’re sure you can’t wait to give these a go! 

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What food goes best at a tennis club party?

What food goes best at a tennis club party?

What food goes best at a tennis club party?

So, you have a successful court booking system, some consistent, wonderful patrons of your tennis club, and maybe even an engaged audience online. Perhaps you have some wonderful students for tennis lessons. Any of the above are signs of a fantastically involved and passionate tennis club.  As such, you might want to throw an event or party for these members that make your tennis club business possible. These events can be difficult to plan and cater for, especially as tennis clubs tend to attract a lot of different types of people. In this article, we will show you some incredible foods to serve at your tennis club event!

tennis club food

Snacks abound: what do you want to be serving at your tennis club?

The key to figuring out exactly how to cater for events can also be difficult. Our advice is to determine what kind of event or party you are hosting and adjusting the menu as appropriate.

For example, if you are having a daytime party full of active tennis activities, you’ll want to prioritize healthier, less bloating snacks so that your guests can enjoy both training and your delicious food. 

If you are not planning to do any activities, and are holding a more refined party, the foods you’ll want to serve will, of course, be different. If you are planning a party in the daytime, we would recommend going back to the origins of tennis and serving a delightful, wholesome, and surprisingly filling British Afternoon Tea.

When planning a fancier fiesta in the evening, an evening of canapés would be the port of call. 

As you can maybe tell, our general recommendations tend to revolve around finger food and stuff that can be grazed upon throughout an event, rather than being gorged upon in one go. Your partygoers (being tennis club members), are likely to be relatively active and health-conscious, so giving them the option to control how much they eat on a granular level will be much appreciated.

First, we will consider what you can serve if you are planning a particularly active party, reviewing the healthiest options for this. 

After that, we will move to consider some more refined options you can serve, including canapés and the classic afternoon tea. 

If you have ever wanted to find out what food to bring to a tennis club party, then read on as we provide a comprehensive breakdown of the different options you have! It will be sure to leave all your guests satisfied, and hopefully raving about the delicious spread provided.  

Cheap, cheerful, and chock full of vitamins

So, let’s say you’ve organized or are attending a day of tennis fun at your tennis club. Of course, you want to provide some food, but want to make sure it is healthy and tasty for when people are taking breaks from games.

Here are some great choices for just that occasion:

Raw vegetables

When used as a snack, a raw savory vegetable/fruit is often referred to as a “crudité“. These can take many forms; we would recommend the following:

  • Carrots
  • Radishes
  • Cauliflower
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Bell pepper (red and yellow in particular)
tennis club food

Homemade Hummus

This is one you might not think to make but is delicious. It is also surprisingly simple to do, and if you create the hummus yourself you can control how fatty (or not) you wish to make it! Hummus requires equal parts chickpeas, tahini, and quantities of olive oil and lemon juice adjusted to texture and taste, all blended up together.

You can also incorporate garlic as well but be careful with the quantities of raw garlic used as it can be exceptionally powerful. If you want a bit of garlic in the hummus, it might be worth roasting it first, as that will temper the harsh raw flavor. 

The Afternoon Tea

The afternoon tea. A staple of British high society, and an outstanding afternoon appetite-quencher

The key to a great afternoon tea is finger food. First: the sandwiches. Use a mix of white and brown bread. The types of sandwiches we would recommend for this spread is as follows: 

  • Ham and mustard (find an English or Dijon mustard for this if you can – serve on white bread)
  • Cream cheese, salmon, and dill (mix the diced dill with the cheese, serve on brown bread) 
  • Beef and tomato (use thinly sliced peppered beef and even thinly sliced and salted tomato – brown bread and a light dash of mayonnaise is perfect here)
  • Cucumber sandwiches – this one is simple, finely sliced cucumber on some lightly buttered white bread.

Cut these sandwiches into small “fingers” (rectangles) and serve with some scones (and clotted cream/jelly) and some fancy potato chips. Small quiches, tarts, and other such baked delights would work brilliantly too. 

tennis club food


Here is the perfect food to bring to an evening tennis club party. The small serving size and huge variety in choice works brilliantly for health-conscious folks, and we have curated a couple of healthier canapé options to fit your club’s demographic.

Cucumber crackers with blue cheese and fruit

Combine thick slices of cucumber with blue cheese, and then alternating blueberries and pomegranates on each. This provides a sweet-savory, low-calorie snack that will blow partygoers away.

Smoked salmon, avocado, and pickled radish oatcakes

Take an oatcake (preferably seeded). Top it with some smashed avocado, a slice of delicate smoked salmon, two pickled radish slices and some freshly cracked black pepper. Consider some lemon juice squeezed on top as well. 

tennis club food

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